Installing Git

Git is a distributed control management software used by the to host its projects. To get the latest code available for the latest version or other code branches of APOC you need to use a Git client. You can see more instructions on how to get the latest APOC source code on the download section.

Git on Ubuntu/Debian

Look for the package git-core on the Synaptic package management tool, or typing this:

$ sudo apt-get install git-core

Git on Fedora

Type this as root:

# yum install git-core

Git on Solaris

Git for Solaris is available as a set of binary packages built from the Spec Files Extra repository (thanks to Laszlo Peter for helping out on building the binary packages). To install it download the packages for your Solaris version and architecture and follow the instructions below:

Solaris ONNV (Nevada)/x86 Solaris ONNV (Nevada)/SPARC Solaris 10/x86
[[!img] Curl 7.16.2 [[!img] Curl 7.16.2 [[!img] Curl 7.16.2
[[!img] Git [[!img] Git [[!img] Git

Download the packages and execute as root:

# pkgadd -d SFEcurl-7.16.2-<os>-<platform>.pkg SFEcurl
# pkgadd -d SFEgit-<os>-<platform>.pkg SFEgit

You might be asked to install SFEdiffutils here, just answer yes.

Git from Source

To grab the Git sources and build it from scratch, look for instructions in the official Git site.